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Multimedia Displays

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Immersive Multimedia Displays: Where Vision Meets Innovation

Step into a world of visual brilliance and dynamic experiences with our cutting-edge Multimedia Displays. Designed to captivate and engage, these displays redefine the way information is presented, making every interaction an immersive journey.


These displays convey crucial information to passengers, such as the current floor, direction of travel, and additional messages or announcements. Numeric floor indicators are common, displaying the floor number in a clear and easily readable font.

Lobby Display

Multimedia displays in lobbies typically rotate through a variety of content, including welcome messages, event notifications, corporate announcements, advertisements, news updates, and other relevant information.ompanies can use lobby displays for branding purposes, showcasing their products, services, achievements, and corporate messaging.

elevator multimedia displays

Multimedia displays for elevators serve as a versatile communication tool, enhancing passenger experience, providing valuable information, and offering branding opportunities for businesses within commercial buildings. Designed with energy-efficient features, such as automatic brightness adjustment based on ambient light conditions, to optimize energy consumption.


Panoramic displays inside elevators provide an innovative and immersive experience, their implementation may vary based on building requirements, design considerations, and the specific goals of the property owner or manager.

Key Features

Our multimedia displays boast high-definition clarity,in vertical and horizontal orientation bringing content to life with vibrant colors and sharp details,with viewing angle of 170 degrees.Whether it’s presentations, videos, or graphics, witness a level of visual quality that demands attention.

From sleek digital signage to expansive video walls, our multimedia displays come in a range of sizes and configurations to suit the unique needs of your space. Create impactful installations that seamlessly integrate with your environment. Sizes available: 8”,10.1”,10.4”,12”,15”,19”and 21.5”

 Take control of your content with easy-to-use management systems. Schedule, update, and customize multimedia presentations effortlessly, ensuring that your messaging is always relevant and impactful. Display customer logo, time, date, etc.

Our displays offer versatile connectivity options, making it easy to integrate with various devices and platforms. Surface na d flush mount installation available.

Elevate engagement with interactive applications. Display live feeds, scrolling and emergency messages Whether it’s interactive maps, product catalogs, or educational content, our multimedia displays transform passive viewing into active participation.


Discover a new dimension of visual communication with our Multimedia Displays. Whether you’re looking to inform, entertain, or inspire, our displays are the canvas for your content, creating an immersive experience that resonates with your audience.


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